Monday, September 12, 2011

When Yast2 fails to start using Xming

YaST2 fails to start, not able to locate ncurses / qt libraries


 Running yast (ncurses based) or yast2 (qt based) from a shell fails with
warning: the qt frontend is installed but does not work
warning: the ncurses frontend is installed but does not work
You need to install yast2-ncurses to use the YaST2 text mode interface

Tracing the issue using "sh -x yast" shows it tries to load /usr/lib64/YaST2/plugin/ and /usr/lib64/YaST2/plugin/
 which are both available on the system.


This issue may be encountered if /etc/ is outdated. In this case yast cannot access the database for shared libraries on the system anymore and fails to start. Refreshing the file using the ldconfig command is recommended.

More information about /etc/, /etc/ and ldconfig is available via "man 8 ldconfig".

Sunday, May 08, 2011

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help

What is BlogThis! ? - Blogger Help


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