My little one is called Vedika. She just turned 2 years about a month ago.
She normally has her lunch around noon and gets into the siesta mode after running around the house and becoming cranky forcing Mommy dear to cuddle and put her to sleep.
The smart girl she is had somehow figured out on her own I presume by sheer observation how to operate the door knobs and lock it which we obviously had not realized fully.
A couple of days ago when Mommy had just stepped out of the house to throw the garbage into the garbage bin located outside the house the little one being a little sleepy playfully locked the house and despite repeated attempts by the mother from outside the house to try and get her to open it she did not and promptly walked away and slept in the couch.
Mom managed to finally get into the house later and came around to see the little angel deep in slumber peacefully unaware of what had happened and her role in it.
They say kids say and do the darnest things and I would rate this one on top.
More to come.... Make it a Good Day.